What I Learned 2 Months After the Publication of Healing with Clay

The book, Healing with Clay: A Practical Guide to Earth’s Oldest Natural Remedy, has now been officially out for almost two months. I was super excited to release the second edition of the book. This is because the information now available on the subject matter really demonstrates the scientific validity around the practice of eating clay.  

But even while scientific evidence for earth eating has grown over the last two decades, I still wondered how the new book will be received in the marketplace. One never fully knows what the reaction will be when a new product or book is unveiled! 

Well, now that a suitable amount of time has passed, I’m able to step back and honestly assess its reception. I can emphatically state that I am really pleased and pleasantly surprised at how the book has been enthusiastically acknowledged by readers. 

People Today are Open to Eating Clay

Since the publication, I have spoken to hundreds of people about the subject matter of edible clay, specifically calcium montmorillonite clay. Some of these people who I have spoken to already eat earth, some are curious about the matter, some have never heard of the practice, and others say it simply say sounds too weird to embrace.  

Yet despite most people’s relative knowledge of the subject or lack thereof, I can honestly say that I could have never predicted the level of positive engagement and support for the topic. Regardless of what their level of familiarity was, most persons told me that they weren’t surprised to read a book about the natural healing powers of earth. “It just makes sense”, said one physician.

Natural Medicine was Considered Strange – Really!

So, it appears that in today’s world that individuals are open to learning more about complementary and alternative medicine and how it can support conventional medicine. This is a really different reaction from only twenty years ago when the first edition of the book, The Clay Cure: Natural Healing from the Earth, was released!  

At that time, natural medicines were still part of a counter-culture way of thinking and only beginning to rise in popularity. The debate around the use of herbal products, vitamins, and minerals was a heated one. Health food stores and natural medicine connoisseurs battled the traditional medicine establishment on two fronts. First, with the contention that natural medicine was either a viable alternative or complimentary treatment to conventional medication. Second, that US consumers had the right to purchase these items over the counter without a prescription.  

With respect to eating clay, there was certainly a contingent of people who fervently supported the idea that earth might be medicine. Yet there were others, including many people who I personally knew, that summarily dismissed the subject matter and chalked it up to snake-oil medicine.

A New Way of Thinking Informed by Science

Fast forward to our present day, the scientific validation for earth eating is now firmly being established. The science has prompted people to accept a new way of thinking around the role of natural treatments.  

For example, the dermatological healing properties of clay such as its antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties, have been sufficiently studied. Science has now attributed its therapeutic use to either its physico-chemical properties (the mineral content of the clay) or to its microbial composition.  

With respect to internal use, its specific ability to draw toxins in the gut has been well researched. Science has confirmed the adsorptive and absorptive properties of clay and its ion exchange capacity, which have been the driving force behind its traditional use of healing. This includes toxins such the group of ubiquitous mycotoxins including the highly carcinogenic aflatoxin, pesticides such as Paraquat, pathogens such as e.coli and salmonella, enterotoxins produced by bacteria in the gut, and viruses.

Want to Bite the Dust?

Then check out Detox Dirt®, which contains a 100% independently tested, clinically trialed montmorillonite clay. The company founder, Ran Knishinsky, has been eating dirt for over 30 years and it’s all detailed in his second edition new book called Healing with Clay: A Practical Guide to Earth’s Oldest Natural Remedy.


Ditch the So-Called Natural Cleanses


How to Get Started Eating Clay