How to Get Started Eating Clay
People all over the world choose to consume clay either because of its flavor, texture or because of the health benefits that are conferred. You can read about those health benefits in my new book “Healing with Clay”.
Is Clay Safe to Consume?
The science behind the use of montmorillonite clay as a health supplement has remarkably expanded over the past two decades. In fact, research now corroborates the anecdotal and ethnomedicinal claims that have been made for hundreds if not thousands of years by cultures throughout the globe.
Why I Started Eating Clay
It was 30 years ago when I first learned about eating clay. I was not looking to eat dirt. At that time in my life, I didn’t know that dirt was viewed as a natural supplement to be consumed.
What is Dirt? Baby, Don’t Hurt Me…
We are the stuff made from dirt. It’s true that not a lot of people really understand what dirt is anyway. Sure, it’s the stuff that gathers around your shoes.
Eating Dirt Can be Healthy
Most people will probably raise their brows a little higher at the title of this article and ask themselves, “Is this guy really going to tell me that eating dirt is good for you?”
Is Eating Clay Good for You?
As dirty as dirt-eating may sound, this article is not going to be touting the benefits of just any type of dirt.
Which Type of Edible Clay Can I Eat?
When we talk about eating dirt, we’re not just speaking of any type of dirt. But a very special type of earth called clay.